Wednesday, 28 September 2016

I am going too talk about one of the things on my bucket list.

Traval the world!
I would like too traval the world because I think the world is a amazing place and traval brodens the mind.Travaling is what inspires me so i would like too do it as much as posible some of the places that I would like too see the most are America,Venice,Borneo,Asia... And lots of other places.

There are a couple of problems that i need to deal with before I can go. I would like to finish my studies before i go and theres always the problem of money but I will cross that bridge when I get to it. Idealy i will have a lady friend to traval with but i don´t know what the future holds.

It is the most inportant thing but it is something i really wanna doo.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

My bucket list

What Iwant to do before I die 

2:  Traval the world 
3:  Go to a r.i.p rapper concert
4:  Go to Chicago street jam 
5:  Get a tattoo
6:  Have a cudle with a sloth 
7:  Be a magazine
8:  Learn how to play gitar 
9:  Scuba dive deep
10: See the da vinci london compliation
11: Understand the meaning of life 
12: High five a monkey 
13: Be in a film 
14:Crash a car
15: Fall in love 

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Hi my name is Charlie Kane Malone this is a class project in 4th eso but im giong to make it as fun as posible.