Wednesday 14 December 2016

  • What is comic relief?

It is somthing funny to take you mind of what your scared of..

  • Why is it often used in horror films?

Because the viewers feel more emotions watching the film.

  • Do you remember laughing in a horror films?Can you think of an example?
In a series called black mirror. it has a joke or two in there.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Alfred Hitchcook

Who`s the director of the movie phsycho? 
The director is Alfred hitchcook.
What type of character did he othen use in his films? 
Young pretty ladies to play the part of the victim. And most of the time there would be a phycho murdura.
What technique did he use with the camera?
The camera would zoom in quick and change camera a lot giveing a drama affect. With a killer first person view. And graffic too.

Wednesday 30 November 2016

My world

I will talk about youtube channle that is really funny it is called "eoic rap batlles of history" it takes two random famose people amb makes them have a rap batle and its really funny

One of my favourite horror movies

I am legend 
I am legend, is an intense film, and it´s well filmed too it also has one of my favourite actors Will Smith which plays the character really well. It´s about a world where everyone is turning into zombies and Dr robert is trying too find the cure. But the zombies are getting smarter and they start seting traps for Dr robert. And in the last scene he finds the cure but the zombies are breaking into his house. He saves two people and also dies killing loads of zombies, the two people give the cure to the survivors. And they start saving everyone.
I like it so much because i saw it when i was really little and it sceard me a lot . nut i liked it anyway

Wednesday 23 November 2016

P. H. S

1: What is the story of tell-tale heart about?
It is a story about a mad man that killed an old man and then gave in to fake pressur and told the police.
2:Who wrote tell-heart and invented the first macabre stories?
Edger allan pole
3: What was the first P.H.S.
4: When was the first published?
5: What other story types did the author also tell?
He did a lot of science fiction stuff.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Who invented the G.N?
Horace Walpole invented The gothic novel.
What was the first G.N?
The Castle of Otranto was the first G.N.
When was it first published?
It was first published in 1764
Which horror elements does the text mention?
The text does mention elements likes:

Setting in a castle.
An atmosphere of mystery and suspense.
Supernatural or otherwise inexplicable events.
Women in distress.
The metonymy of gloom and horror.

Thursday 27 October 2016

The 3 most valid things on here are that it shows that im okay at most things I cant really choose one above the others.
I agree with all of them, I like working with people but im good at working on my own.
My Visual-Spatial is high i agree with that.
Music: is a bit low because I really like music, all of it rap, hiphop, classic ,oldschool ,pop...
All the other things I agree with.
I can see myself working with lost of people somewhere that i can talk end express myself with.
At the end of the day we are all just poducts of are enviroment so we will all just be subconciosely infuenced into doing what ever is needed. Free thinking is inposible.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

I AM A HORSE( not too proud to be one)
Horse characteristics
Avetage to large size, Steady, Plucky, Observant,
Stubborn, Know it all

I agree on most of them exept the know it all bit  :)

Careers & Hobbies
 ·Sales career  I would enjoy that.
 ·Politics career  I too much strees.
 ·Public relations  career  I like meating new people.
 ·Physical labor  career  I would be able too but its a lot of work.
 ·Medicine  career I woul like to help people
 ·Law  career  Again too much strees
 ·Dancing hobbie  Sure
 ·Hiking  hobbie Maybe
 ·Basketball hobbie  Not my first choice
 ·Golfa hobbie    Yeah why not

Wednesday 5 October 2016

On the 22nd of October there is a compitition at the skatepark of Figueres open to everyone too see.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

I am going too talk about one of the things on my bucket list.

Traval the world!
I would like too traval the world because I think the world is a amazing place and traval brodens the mind.Travaling is what inspires me so i would like too do it as much as posible some of the places that I would like too see the most are America,Venice,Borneo,Asia... And lots of other places.

There are a couple of problems that i need to deal with before I can go. I would like to finish my studies before i go and theres always the problem of money but I will cross that bridge when I get to it. Idealy i will have a lady friend to traval with but i don´t know what the future holds.

It is the most inportant thing but it is something i really wanna doo.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

My bucket list

What Iwant to do before I die 

2:  Traval the world 
3:  Go to a r.i.p rapper concert
4:  Go to Chicago street jam 
5:  Get a tattoo
6:  Have a cudle with a sloth 
7:  Be a magazine
8:  Learn how to play gitar 
9:  Scuba dive deep
10: See the da vinci london compliation
11: Understand the meaning of life 
12: High five a monkey 
13: Be in a film 
14:Crash a car
15: Fall in love 

Thursday 15 September 2016

Hi my name is Charlie Kane Malone this is a class project in 4th eso but im giong to make it as fun as posible.